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Honors & Awards

Since the academic year 1989, Chang Gung University has been publicly recognizing the "Outstanding Teachers" of the year during the faculty banquet held on Teachers' Day (September 28th). In the College of Management, there is a maximum of one quota for each of the three categories: "Teaching," "Research," and "Guidance." Therefore, the teachers who receive these awards are truly honored and deserving.

Recipient Award Academic Year

陳寬政 National Science Council Outstanding Research Award 86

古思明 National Science Council Outstanding Research Award 87

張禾坤 Chang Gung University Research Award 88

陳亭羽 Chang Gung University Research Award 90

陳亭羽 Young Scholar Research Publication Award, Academia Sinica 91

張錦特 National Science Council Wu Ta-You Memorial Award 91

陳亭羽 Chang Gung University Guidance Award 94

鄧景宜 Chang Gung University Research Award 96

張錦特 National Science Council Outstanding Research Award 97

陳亭羽 Chang Gung University Research Award 98

蔡采璇 Chang Gung University Guidance Award 98

張錦特 Chang Gung University Research Award 99

盧瑞芬 Chang Gung University Teaching Award 102

萬書言 Chang Gung University Research Award 103

張錦特 Chang Gung University Research Award 104

陳亭羽 Chang Gung University Research Award 105

陳亭羽 Chang Gung University Research Award 108

張錦特 Chang Gung University Research Award 109

鄧景宜 Chang Gung University Research Award 110